G1ngerBoy .'s profile

The Move Laxative

A friend of mine has decided that the new it phrase to indicate that something is cool is to say its "The Move".
Examples: "Oranges are the move" or "Sprach Zarathustra is the move"
Hearing him say this makes me think of a laxative which is where I got the idea for this.

This is made as a meme and does not represent the quality of a true product i would design.
again this is for #memez

To see my serious content please see my main account

Creative Thought Process
Stretching text is not something I normally would suggest doing as it makes it harder to read however in this case the "o" being elongated is meant to represent the poo you are taking.
As this is a meme the use of the pound icon (hashtage) and spelling of fat being spelled "phat" lend to the meme quality.
The brown color used is to denote the color you will be seeing in the toilet after use of the product.

The Move Laxative

The Move Laxative
