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Mandai: Your Memory Bank

Campaign Proposition
“Mandai - Your Memory Bank”

To invoke a sense of reminiscing and incite fond memories of the Mandai Wildlife Reserve (MWR) parks. 

Our main aim is to emotionally connect with Singaporeans and give them an incentive to revisit their childhood memories at the MWR parks. Additionally, we want to enhance the experience so people reconnecting with their memories of the parks can have a new yet nostalgic experience.
Youths have fond memories of the parks but due to limited time and resources, deem the experience unchanging and stagnant so they rarely revisit them.
Target Audience
Millennials and Gen Z

18- 30  years old
Youth to Young adults

Local (Singapore)

Has good memories with the parks

Outgoing, Sociable

Campaign Objectives
1. Form an emotional bond between Singaporean youths and the parks
2. Increase membership sign-ups from Singaporean youth
3. Create a meaningful and memorable campaign which will encourage frequent visits (roughly 2-3 times a year)
Background Research
Based on our research, youth who visit the Mandai Wildlife Reserve Parks frequently are fond of animals and/or have good memories with the parks

Those who don’t visit the parks frequently said that there is no reason to revisit the parks due to the lack of new and interesting exhibits/attractions

Interestingly, among those we interviewed, one respondent said he would visit the parks if he had the membership (due to more affordable tickets) but would not visit the parks frequently if he had to pay the original price.​​​​​​​
Creative Rationale
Time - focusing on the past, present and future

The core of all Singaporeans are memories with the Mandai Wildlife Reserve Parks. Whether it be those made in the past during school trips or in the future with their growing families, the strongest attachment Singaporean youth have to the Mandai Parks are emotional.

Realised through various physical concepts of time like time capsules, memory banks and photo albums

Interactive Zoo
An interactive projected zoo, which will be held at malls or outside museums, where visitors can customise their own animals. These animals are their avatars for storing their memories with Mandai.
Description of exhibit: 
The exhibit itself is shaped like a time capsule that is metallic on the outside. On the time capsule, the Mandai Wildlife Reserve logo is engraved. Visitors enter the time capsule exhibit into a dark room where the past zoo is projected onto all sides of the capsule. A short video will show on one of the screens asking the visitors what animals they remember from the zoo and a QR code will appear. Visitors can scan the QR code which will send them to a website to customise and create their own animals (6 animal templates which can be coloured). Once created, it will be projected onto the walls and an option will appear for the visitors to apply for the Mandai membership which will lead them to having their own customised card.
Personalized Youth Membership Card
An AR membership card which works in tandem with the Interactive Zoo Exhibit

For visitors who apply for the membership, they will receive a membership card with their created character (similar to a pokemon card). This card is used like a memory bank which will store their memories such as pictures taken at the parks and logs of animals and shows the owner had visited.

This card will be a yearly membership targeted at youth and will be cheaper than the other available memberships.

The membership card will link to an app called MandaiMemories which will collate these memories and also have an AR version of their created animal which they can interact with and take photos with.
Print Ads
Using our idea of memories, we used keywords of learning journeys many youths can vividly remember. These are tied in with the playful and slightly provocative tagline, ‘Who said Adults can’t go for learning journeys?’.
Social Media​​​​​​​
Instagram Story
Uses Instagram’s ‘Add Yours’ trend to offer an interactive ad where users can share their memories with the Mandai Parks.

These photos will be shared to the users’ Instagram Story. The followers of the user can add on to the tag onto their own stories, prompting a trend of sharing fond memories of the zoo.
TikTok users can hop onto the trend of adding to their memories through the ‘using video sound’ function. The ad follows the lyrics of the nostalgic song, Singapore Town, and how it relates to the Mandai Parks

Encourages user participation and promotes the idea of reigniting memories.
AR Past Zoo
QR code at iconic points of zoo which lead to MandaiMemories app which shows an AR of the zoo in the past. Visitors can scan the QR code and take selfies with the AR past zoo. They can also take pictures with an AR version of their avatar.

This prompts visitors to make new memories and is a  new experience for younger visitors and a nostalgic one for older visitors.

Mandai: Your Memory Bank

Mandai: Your Memory Bank
