Manuel Leon's profile

Love Between Teardrops


Love Between Teardrops

I love a challenge. That’s why when Chicago-based singer/songwriter Brett Axell came to me looking for a branding concept for his song “Loving Between Teardrops”, I was more than ready to accept.


For the music video for this song, Brett wanted animation that correlated with the lyrics of his song. This way his listener would both hear and read the lyrics at the same time. 

To help him achieve this effect, I sat down with Brett and created a storyboard for his song. I hand drew all the frames for his video and digitalized these files to then create one seamless video that compliments the audio recording of his song.  

Next, I was then able to take clips of this video and shorten and optimize them for social media and other promotional formats for Brett to promote his song. 

With the branding complete for his song, Brett was able to leverage these promotional materials to amplify his music career in the Chicago-land area; as well as gaining some traction nationally as well.

Love Between Teardrops


Love Between Teardrops
