Nana Gutierrez's profile

Caraval cover study

I started with a bunch of thumbnails to take note of the elements of the story that could be used in a cover, and also to take note of some compositions I liked.
(Yes, I tried taking an "aesthetic" photo for practice)

This was the first cover I decided to draw. Even if it doesn't look all that bad, it doesn't look so appealing.
The symmetry ended up becoming too bland and static, as well as the fonts, and minimalism didn't fit my standards.

In the final cover, I kept elements from my first study that I liked, but decided to go for a more dynamic, yet still symmetric, composition. The key colours also remain the same while a significant amout of details were added. The fonts are from the official collector's edition of the first volume.
Caraval cover study


Caraval cover study

A little cover study for Caraval.
