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Space Design for BLACKBUCK

Problem Statement
Designing an effective space design for BlackBuck's financial service offices that enhances people's perception of the organisation and motivates them to achieve their targets.
Another challenge is ensuring that the design is adaptable to changing business needs and evolving customer expectations, which may require regular updates and modifications. Additionally, effective communication and collaboration between different stakeholders, including the design team, BlackBuck's management, and employees, is critical to ensuring that the service design meets the needs of all parties involved. Finally, the service design must be implemented in a way that minimizes disruption to ongoing operations and maximizes the benefits to both employees and customers.
One of the main challenges i found after conducting user research is to ensure that the design is aligned with BlackBuck's Brand Values, Business Objectives, and Customer Needs, while also being cost-effective and sustainable over the long term.

Solutions which are implemented, are aligned on these domains to ensure their needs and expectations. 

My challenge is to design an office that represents BlackBuck's brand identity and showcases their products in a modern and professional manner. The office should be optimized for workflow and productivity,
Here is a visualization and proposed service design for BlackBuck's financial service offices!
Incorporating BlackBuck's brand identity by adding their logo on the wall with their brand colors & fonts to maintain a cohesive look.
Seating Area was designed in a way that represents BlackBuck's brand values and creates a positive first impression on clients and visitors. Posters representing company's verticals with other information to connect.

Also, showcased BlackBuck's products by displaying posters in strategic locations.This will help promote the brand and services to potential clients.
Digital signage throughout the office space can provide real-time information on BlackBuck's services, achievements, and other important updates. It can also be used to highlight the company's success stories, client feedback, and social media presence.
The Floor Plan for employees should be designed in a way that promotes collaboration and communication. This can be achieved by creating open spaces with comfortable seating arrangements, common spaces for employees to relax, brainstorm and have informal meetings.

For designing a BlackBuck's financial services, i started by creating a floor plan and determining the placement of furniture. Consider the number of employees and the workflow to optimize the space.
Whole office comprises different areas to cater different customer and user needs. The waiting area should be designed to make clients and visitors comfortable, with adequate seating and natural lighting. There should also be a screen displaying information about BlackBuck's services and achievements.

Incorporating elements that will make it a comfortable and inviting place for employees and clients alike like reception area, waiting Area, Conference Rooms, Training Rooms to blackBuck can conduct regular training sessions and workshops for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. The training rooms should
Other Aspects Of Design
Consider lighting and color schemes to create a professional and inviting atmosphere.
Used natural lighting and neutral colors to promote productivity and focus.
My Visit to Office!
After the design was implemented, conducted a walkthrough of the office to ensure that the furniture placement and overall design are functional and align with BlackBuck's branding and values.
Thank You!
Space Design for BLACKBUCK


Space Design for BLACKBUCK

Welcome to the exciting world of designing an office for BlackBuck's financial services in Blender! As you embark on this project, you will have Read More
