Immersions 2013 - La Roche College
Immersions is an annual design competition at La Roche College in which junior and senior graphic design students are divided into groups, and for 48 hours must develop a graphic solution to present to a client. For the 2013 show, there were 5 groups competing against one another. Our client was Attack Theatre, and they tasked each group with creating visuals for their "Festival of Sorts" which is the first collaboration between Attack Theatre and the Pittsburgh Opera.
Out of 5 groups, our group (which consisted of 6 students) placed first. Attack Theatre chose our solution as a foundation for their Festival of Sorts.
Both shows that were performed at the Festival of Sorts dealt with temptations of man. We chose to reflect temptation with biblical references, namely the snake in the garden of Eve. As one of the two seniors in the group, I took charge of the logo and most of the hand rendered visuals present on our materials.
Our art and design direction was inspired from some of Attack Theatre and the Pittsburgh Opera's past shows.
These posters would also scale down to format as flyers.
An e-mail blast for the Festival of Sorts.
This piece is an interactive temptation map that viewers can try out while awaiting the shows in the lobby areas.
Immersions 2013

Immersions 2013

The winning collaborative effort for La Roche College's Immersions Show of 2013. A 48 hour competition to create a graphic campaign for a client.
