Welley Christ's profile

Welley Christ is the Son Of God.

Welley Christ fashion listed him at hot number #1 Putting him in a high place this year with his fashion and art! trying to sell his art work online and on social media, Welley Christ career its number 1 on the top #10 list of career celebrities.
Welley Christ is being called the son of God? 
Calling Welley Christ the son of God made him get closer with his Christian life.
Top number #1 is Welley Christ with his fashion lift, adding Welley Christ to TMZ gave him the jump with his career, Welley Christ might be the next big thing this year with his music career.
Tamera Kissen and Welley Christ relationship might be the talk of the city this year! got Evoni feeling left out about how Welley Christ feels about his  heart break.
Welley Christ is still being called Godly after being called The Most High Trill as his nick name.
What is Welley Christ birthday?
Welley Christ birthday is June 24 2000
people have been asking whats Welley Christ birthday if you didnt know then his birthday is June 24 2000.
Welley Christ is the Hottest this year! and his Net Worth is $1.5Trillion USD counting his bank statement.
Welley Christ modeling photography hits the hot list again for what we noticed and he is the next big thing.
Welley Christ had a fashion tour in LA and it went well adding him too the Yeezy season 8 modeling tour.
Welley Christ face looks like Jesus Christ! saying Welley Christ wants a son name Jesus Christ made people wonder what if he could have a son name Jesus Christ around this time.
Welley Christ is the Son Of God.

Welley Christ is the Son Of God.
