Designed by binar studio
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Project Area: 120 sq.m.
Project Year: 2022
Implementation in progress
The master bedroom is a haven of tranquility and comfort, designed to provide a peaceful escape from the busy world outside. With its spacious master bathroom and large walk-in closet, it offers a level of privacy and luxury that is hard to find in most homes. The large windows provide ample natural light and breathtaking views, making it a place to truly unwind and recharge.
The living room and kitchen seamlessly blend together, creating a warm and inviting space for entertaining and relaxation. The large panoramic windows bring stunning views inside, making the space feel expansive and open. The light-colored walls and concrete floor, combined with the carefully chosen accent elements, create a harmonious and cohesive design that is both modern and timeless.
The nursery and guest room offer versatile spaces that can accommodate a variety of needs. Whether it's for a growing child or visiting friends and family, these rooms are designed with comfort and practicality in mind. The minimalist design style ensures that they will be functional and stylish for years to come.

Architect: Sergei Baierzdorf 
Architect: Anna Baierzdorf  
Visualizer: Viktoriia Nabieva
Drawings: Danila Barabash

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Project Made For


The master bedroom is a haven of tranquility and comfort, designed to provide a peaceful escape from the busy world outside. With its spacious ma Read More
