Mr Cup / Barral Fabien's profile

The Crossed Keys Society Playing cards

Graphic Design
The Crossed Key Society is a collection of 6 playing cards decks inspired by Europe’s Grandest and Greatest Historic Hotels. Follwed the success of the color collection, I created 2 collector editions : White and Gold.

This project is inspired by a Wes Anderson Grand Budapest Hotel movie: a secret association of hotels to serve good causes : «  It is generally thought to have been founded in Lutz in 1911 after the attempted assassination of Prince Erik when Excelsior palace concierge, Theodore Zev, called upon the concierges of 23 hotels in seven countries who assist the failed assassin and organize his escape. Wake of this success the participants united to form a private consortium which in theory continues to this day. »
Box printed in France by Studio Pression
Playing cards printed in Ukraine by Noir Arts
Photoraphy Chris Moyer
The Crossed Keys Society Playing cards

The Crossed Keys Society Playing cards
