Luke Noble's profile

NAIFA-WIFS Advance Women in Insurance services

A North Andover, Massachusetts resident, Luke Noble has worked in financial services since 2006. Outside of managing his firm, Noble Financial Group, Luke Noble is a member of professional organizations such as the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisers (NAIFA), which advocates for positive policies and legislation, promotes ethics in financial services and insurance, and improves business and professional skills.

In January 2023, NAIFA and the Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS) announced their continued partnership to further diversity, equity, and inclusion in insurance and financial services. WIF is like NAIFA, but its focus is on helping increase opportunities for women in insurance and financial services.

As a part of this continued partnership, they have signed an agreement to share resources. Because the two organizations have a similar mission, they decided that when they share resources, members of both organizations, colleagues, and clients benefit from this cooperation.

The agreement also included stipulations for NAIFI to represent and advocate for the WIFS at the Capitol and state capitals throughout the US. This agreement guarantees that all industry-related concerns are addressed during advocacy campaigns. When the interests of the two organizations overlap, the NAIFI will collaborate with WIFS at advocacy-related meetings, coalitions, task forces, and communications with state and federal entities.

NAIFA-WIFS Advance Women in Insurance services

NAIFA-WIFS Advance Women in Insurance services
