FIBERSEED 種紙纖維|Exhibition Design


Finding the Extraordinary inside the Ordinary.

Handmade paper originated from Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. The Goang Xing Paper Mill (previously the Goang Xing Paper Processing Factory), founded by Huang Yao-tung in 1965 and located also in Puli Township, inherits the spirit and skills of its founder and continues to demonstrate them in the digital age. Huang Huan-chang, who succeeded his father Huang Yao-tung, endeavored in innovating papermaking processes, giving handmade paper brand new looks. The Goang Xing Paper Mill exhibition is held to tell the stories behind the research and development of innovative handmade paper. Additionally, multimedia artist Xie Shu-hui has been invited to draw on the different varieties of paper created by the Goang Xing Paper Mill to illustrate the mystery and richness of handmade paper, allowing modern people to feel its warmth.

“FIBERSEED” the theme of this exhibition, signifies original intention (i.e., seed), paper culture, fiber craft, and inheriting the past. Calligraphy artist Wu Chi-j was invited to write the words “fiber seed” to mark the beginning of the exhibition. Subsequently, the exhibition preaches the diversified “layers” of fiber paper, where visitors will feel as if they have shrunk in size and entered the world of paper as they pass through the entrance corridor. On the right side of the exhibition are papermaking history and processes for visitors to explore the essence of paper art, and on the left side of the corridor are nine classic Goang Xing Paper Mill paper including the dragon paper and mulberry paper produced in 2002 and 2020, respectively. The different paper is tailor-made to preserve artists’ remarkable brushwork.

In the paper fiber area, visitors can see the paper “gene pool.” The pool displays the 44 elements (e.g., peanut shells, minced garlic, water bamboo shoots, guava leaves, and oregano) used to fabricate various types of handmade paper containing different fibers. Huang Huan-chang has worked in the handmade paper industry his entire life and shows the courage to innovate and transform. In the main exhibition area, 18 classic paper (e.g., Cape jasmine dyed Mulberry paper, Tibetan lama scripture paper, new Goang Xing paper (an imitation to Tang dynasty paper), and Gampi cloud-dragon paper are selected from the gene pool for visitors to observe and touch up close.

當我們側身穿過紙纖維區,眼前可以看見紙張的基因庫,從壁面上四十四種多樣化的材料看見需求的技術,區裡面乘載許多造紙元素,如:花生殼、蒜末、茭白筍、芭樂葉、奧勒岡等素材,以不同纖維交織譜出不同的手工紙。廣興紙寮 黃煥彰先生終其一生堅守著手工紙產業,勇於創新轉型,主展區中我們也從紙基因庫中選出十八種紙珍藏版,讓民眾可以近距離觀賞與觸摸質地纖維,如:黃梔子染色楮皮紙、西藏喇嘛經文紙、廣興新製紙 ( 仿唐古紙 )、雁皮雲龍紙等作品。
The Goang Xing Paper Mill has worked tirelessly to safeguard the paper culture industry, and has collaborated with people from various domains to familiarize them with the handmade paper industry. In recent years, the paper mill has been studying different technologies that can make handmade paper better satisfy user needs and has achieved nine innovative results. Examples include using sweet potato leaf wrapping paper, firecracker paper, incense ash paper, and pineapple fiber paper to give birth to unique artsy handmade paper.

In the last exhibition area, visitors will see 30 carefully selected Goang Xing Paper Mill paper such as white ginger lily paper, rice hull paper, and corn paper; and plant stamps are left on tables for visitors to create their own memories. Visitors are encouraged to visit the exhibition area, feel the beauty of paper, and respect the extraordinary skills of papermaking masters who have dedicated their lives to papermaking. In this fast-changing digital age, such a spirit is truly honorable.

We believe that many visitors have visited the Goang Xing Paper Mill and been touched by its traditional craftsmanship. Do not miss out on the Fiber Seed special exhibition and come witness how the previously prospering handmade paper industry has been transformed using novel methods. Come and listen to our paper story!

相信許多人一定都來過廣興紙寮,也都曾經被這傳統技藝背後精粹的底蘊所感動過,這次更要把握『種紙纖維/ FIBERSEED』特展展出的機會,看看台灣過去曾經輝煌的手工造紙產業如何透過嶄新的方式重新演繹,期待你來臨,聽我們說每張紙的故事。
合作單位|多媒材藝術家 謝淑慧老師畫展
策展單位|3+2 Design Studio
設計團隊|謝易成 / 陳芳育 / 陳芯怡 / 李柏辰
材料廠商|和亞壓克力 / 青山儀器
輸出廠商|金采廣告印刷 / 東炬數位影像
攝影紀錄|DOU Photography 啦嘟嘟工作室
特別感謝|書法藝術家 吳季如老師 題字種紙纖維
FIBERSEED 種紙纖維|Exhibition Design