BYOB 2019 | Moscow

BYOB (bring your own beamer - bring your projector) is an exhibition, the meaning of which is conveyed in the title. Artists bring their projectors to put on a spectacular projection show for one evening. The event was created by the Dutch artist Rafael Rosenthal, and the first BYOB was held in 2010 in Berlin.
BYOB is for anyone interested in the movement of light, fantasy, sound, and performance. Projection can mean many things. The projections are flexible and create the freedom to respond to any objects and shapes, to create movement and a dynamic collaborative experience.
BYOB gives a lot of opportunities to the generation of artists who grew up on the other side of the screen. It presents an open and lively structure that not only allows spontaneity and experimentation but also gives the artist responsible for the organization and procedure of the exhibition. According to his manifesto, a moving picture is never a stationary object, especially when the artist has the opportunity to act, and images appear from the screen and fill the physical space.

Filmed: Dennis Zertsalov
Edited: Dmitry Papizh

BYOB 2019 | Moscow


BYOB 2019 | Moscow
