Rose Quirante's profile Web and Newsletter © HOV

Advante is an employee empowerment and support agency focused on helping individuals discover their full potential. They provide coaching, team building, and personalized programs to develop employees' growth mindset.

The approach to creating Advante's illustrations was to make full use of their brand colors as much as possible, but also not make it too overwhelming for the viewers to look at. Creating human characters was also essential to keep that "human" connection. 
Newsletter Welcome Illustration: A person behind a desk with a laptop and potted plant, waving at the person viewing the image, as if to say: "Hello. Welcome. I am glad you are here." It use simple shapes to convey ideas of growth, connectivity, and support in an engaging, visual way. Feature d Image 1: Organizational Leadership

The image represents a superhero. Still human, still capable of mistakes, but also has potential for growth. One of the best qualities of a leader is realizing their mistakes and taking responsibility for it. It shows integrity and honesty and sets a good example for the team as well. Featured Image 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing

Living through the pandemic has opened a lot of doors for people to talk more about their mental health. Some have adjusted to working from home permanently, and yet some still struggle with caring for themselves. Advante's coaching services, which also involve helping people deal with stress and anxiety in the workplace, can be effective even when done digitally. Featured Image 3: Interpersonal Relations Coaching

Even when working from home, there are misunderstandings in the digital workplace. Through coaching, this can be addressed, along with better approaches to communicating with peers and improving peer relationships. For teams to work, they must have a healthy dynamic and that is why interpersonal skills are crucial. Feature Image 4: Personal Development

Coaches help coachees navigate through their approach to work to enhance personal development, self-awareness, as well as a healthy mindset. It's like looking through a mirror and seeing oneself, understanding, accepting, and working on it to be the best version of themselves. Feature Image 5: Performance Coaching

With performance coaching, coachees get to identify their strengths and weakness and improve what needs to be improved to reach their full potential. This levels up their skills, perhaps even discover things about themselves that they did not realize until they have gone through coaching; it's like gaining a superpower. 404 Page

A window with an empty, cloudy space outside looks appropriate for Advante's 404 Page. Although there's this sense of nothingness about it, there's an option to "come back in" because of the option to "Go back home" button. Web and Newsletter © HOV
Published: Web and Newsletter © HOV
