Speech tool
Client brief:

Command + Shift + 4 :
Like the screenshot shortcut above, this shortcut automatically takes your to the image preview rather than resting the screenshot in the bottom left of your screen for a few seconds. This shortcut saves an extra tap if you know you want to act on your screenshot right away.

Press the down arrow key, the tap and hold the down arrow (bottom right corner of the screen):
Sometimes, you want to use the software keyboard rather than the external keyboard (this happens to me a lot when I want to snap a screenshot with the software keyboard displayed) and you don’t want to undock your iPad from the external keyboard (specifically the smart Keyboard Folio without an eject key)."

Our Design Solution:

The design solution for quickly accessing image preview and easily switching to the software keyboard is to incorporate the Command + Shift + 4 shortcut and the down arrow key and tap and hold technique as prominent and easily discoverable features in the user interface.

Hello 👋🏻
Happy to share with you my latest design.

👋🏻We are available for new projects
Team e-mail: flcnstd@gmail.com
or contact with: Telegram / Linkedin / Behance / Twitter
Stay tuned.
Speech tool


Speech tool
