GOODSHINE FRUITS 自然光葡| Branding, Packaging


Nurture naturally delicious grapes in the sunshine.

Gu Dong-si, the owner of an orchard in Xinshe District, Taichung, collaborates with 3+2 Design Studio and receives coaching from the Taiwan Design Research Institute to introduce a brand titled “Goodshine Fruits” featuring a novel packaging design.

This year, the Council of Agriculture commissioned the Taiwan Design Research Institute to organize the Agricultural E-commerce, Packaging, and Brand Coaching Project, providing coaching services to 10 businesses. Grape Products, a business located in Xinshe District, Taichung, collaborates with 3+2 Design Studio and receives coaching from the Taiwan Design Research Institute to undergo business rebranding.

來自台中新社古東喜的果園,透過台灣設計研究院與 3+2 Design Studio 共同攜手打造自然光葡全新品牌識別與包裝設計。由農委會委託台灣設計研究院辦理的農產電子商務包裝及品牌輔導計畫,總計輔導 10 家廠商,其中位於台中新社的御品葡萄,由設研院 TDRI 輔導與 3+2 設計操刀完成品牌重塑。古大哥親自打造綠意盎然的葡萄果園,只要一到葡萄盛產的季節,那一粒粒飽滿水潤的 葡萄總讓人垂涎欲滴,水果富含多種營養,同時具有極佳的抗氧化效果,可說是天然可 口的美顏聖品,深受大眾的喜愛。
以 "自然光葡" 設計詮釋光果的美味。
Showing the delicious taste via our design.

To rebrand Grape Products, we changed its name to “Goodshine Fruits” to educate consumers that the key to growing healthy, delicious grapes is to provide them with sufficient sunshine. By showering these grapes with sunshine, they will become juicy and delightful.

Regarding the brand design, we connected the image of grapes with the letter “g,” which represents Gu’s last name and the idea of “good” quality. Also, we used a font that denotes organic, juicy, and healthy grapes.

We used the colors green and purple to illustrate how grapes change their colors from green to purple as they ripen. Neat, simple, and circular lines were used to imply GoodShine and demonstrate how constant sunshine transforms the grapes to sweet, juicy, and high-quality grapes.

We hope to use design and aesthetics to add values to fruit brands, change the public’s impression of fruit brands and packaging, market Taiwan’s high-quality agricultural products, and support local smallholder farmers.

重新定位品牌名,設計團隊將其大自然光譜孕育的葡萄而重新命名為自然光葡,直接傳遞訊息給消費者 - 其健康美味的葡萄秘訣,就是來自天然陽光的照料呵護,一顆顆飽 滿果實不斷吸收著光譜能量,造就出不凡的滋味。

針對識別圖像設計上,將葡萄串連『g』相互結合,象徵古老闆的古Gu,與 Good 作為品牌意向串連,字體設計上也強化有機飽滿的健康姿態。


Built by Gu himself, the grape orchard can grow juicy, mouth-watering grapes during grape seasons. Boasting a rich variety of nutrients and remarkable antioxidant effects, these natural, delicious grapes are the perfect fruit for beautifying one’s facial skin, winning the love of the public.

Gu, a careful and attentive person by nature, uses net houses, pure Bailengzhun water, the geographical advantages of the Xinshe District, and sufficient sunshine; reduces the use of pesticides; adopts the bagging, environmental friendly, systematic field management, and sod culture methods; and avoids the traditional practice of using herbicides to grow his grapes, giving birth to safe, healthy, and juicy grapes that the public can enjoy.

我們前往園區葡萄園參訪,在細心嚴謹的古東喜大哥,園區採網室栽種,同時減藥種植 與套袋栽培,以純淨的白冷圳水灌溉與友善環境農法種植下,透過系統化的田間管理方 式,降低農藥用量並使用草生栽培,代替傳統上使用除草劑的做法,加上新社地區得天 獨厚的地理優勢,充沛的陽光讓果實粒粒飽滿,讓大家吃得安心與健康。
設計公司|3+2 DesignStudio
設計團隊|謝易成 Eason Hsieh / 陳芳育 Emily Chen / 陳芯怡 Cindy Chen / 李柏辰 Alan Lee

Dec, 2021.  - Taichung/ Taipei, Taiwan.
GOODSHINE FRUITS 自然光葡| Branding, Packaging