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What Is Capital Expenditure (CapEX)?

What Is Capital Expenditure (CapEX), What Does It Mean, What Are Some Types, and Why Is It Necessary?
The total amount spent on acquiring, enhancing, managing, repairing, or maintaining a company's physical assets, such as its plants, land, machinery, technology, or buildings, is referred to as a capital expenditure. They are used both when a business is first conceptualised and afterwards when a new project, branch, or investment is launched. When a business plans to improve the value of its assets, broaden the scope of its operations, intensify profit-generating activities, and ultimately get greater use out of the assets, it decides to incur capital expenses. Capital expenditure is reported on a company's balance sheet, not its income statement. On the balance sheet, the capital expenditure amount is determined as an asset.
What Is Capital Expenditure (CapEX)?

What Is Capital Expenditure (CapEX)?


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