"Ideological products are the intersection where power, knowledge and activity meet." 
Maurizio Lazzarato

They become a commodity that the author presents and offers. It is the public that accepts (or not) the offered goods, and thus forms the ideological environment. Inevitably, the consumer is no longer limited to the consumption of goods, which then become "unusable", but actively integrated in the production process in which "consumption should be productive". A step ahead of the realization of the goods is the establishment of communication with the public, in order to gain an insight into current affairs, i.e. in order to establish a social relationship (the product of immaterial labor - the relationship between innovation, production and consumption) to the greatest extent possible, and therefore so that the activity would gain economic value. Business branches are hierarchically distinguished by the degree of immateriality, so the role of the Institute of Automated Agriculture is to improve the characteristics of the work of the primary sector of the economy.

"New ways of seeing and knowing require new technologies, and new technologies require new ways of seeing and knowing." 
Maurizio Lazzarato


