Enterprise Product Engagement
Onboarding, Product Tour, Help Center
Our team established a global vision to enhance product engagement by adding a user-friendly layer of on-boarding, tours and help to product lines that were already underway. This made for overall improvements of the product suite, and helped our team get started with some low hanging fruit.
Experimentation of simplifying the global experience of many apps into one platform. 
Upgrade Manager
Systems upgrade implementation
Upgrade Manager gave IT directors, systems engineers, and resellers ability to monitor, schedule and deploy upgrades for restaurant systems. The product addressed NCR's #1 company initiative, where prior to this solution, processes were too manual, time consuming and resources needed to travel to conduct research, tracking, and upgrades with manual methods. Upgrade Manager was designed from the ground up, including all research, prototyping, design and user-testing.
Upgrade Manager demo video
Final screen designs–Overview, Manage, Activity
Wireframes, whiteboards & early sketches
User testing and TechFest presentation
Manager One
Platform for restaurant operations
This product and platform makes a restaurant manager's life easier by helping with tasks of running a business. Task performed in this application ranges from labor management, transactions reporting, business forecasting, inventory management and more.
House Accounts,Scheduler, Edit Punches
Configuration Center
Platform for restaurant configurations
This platform configures a restaurant business from a global perspective - pricing, global hierarchies, employee management and more. Designing this cloud-software was part of an on-going digital transformation initiative to replace a 25 year old legacy restaurant industry solution.
Hierarchies, Employee Management


UX Lead on a team of four, I led design for enterprise-level software products that make running a restaurant business possible. Experiences incl Read More
