2022 •  Infographic Design​​​​​​​
One of my favorite collaboration, Infographic designer at SUD OUEST. A daily French newspaper, the third largest regional daily in France in terms of circulation based in Bordeaux. Honestly below are few of the projects I worked on, but there's more then 100 graph that where published and printed on more than 213,712 copy per day.
Sport Events
A list of all the sport events happening in the region listed with detailed information on the right 
and a map on the left.

Champions Cup
The map with the detailed text of all the matches of the  UBB’s team, from France to South Africa. Bordeaux - Paris - Johannesburg - Durban
Informative Maps
Data are given, and it was up to me to find the best way to display them. And there it was, 
an infographic showcasing the dissertation of doctors in the region.

Designing for a big newspaper is one of the biggest challange, as there many guidelines to follow, from specific mesrments, a defined fonts and colors. 

Thank You