Elia W.'s profile

DOSE, Branding Concept

Laid back, effortless confidence. Coffee and cocktails for the champions of counter culture. DOSE is my dream small business brought to life through my senior design capstone studio. 

From naming the business to final mockups, DOSE was one of my first full brand concepts and remains one of my favorites. 

The challenge in the project parameters? Create a business that solves a problem your chosen industry faces. So, as an avid coffee shop connoisseur, I opted to create DOSE. A coffee shop that could theoretically be open double the amount of a normal coffee shop by adding another side to the business. Coffee by day and cocktails by night. 
Before designing, I created a brief written narrative to guide the overall verbal and subsequently seamless visual direction for two different industries that typically have vastly different aesthetics. My narrative for DOSE is as follows:

Open day, night, and day again, washing a sense of belonging over everyone who walks through the door. Subtly bold, and comfortable with itself. Laid back, effortless confidence. Coffee and cocktails for the champions of counter culture.
Once a clear narrative was established, the name selection process began—with all ideas being directed back at the narrative to ask: "Does this connect with the image of the business the narrative builds?"

After brainstorming nearly 40 names, going through ideas like "Elixr," "Hijinx," and "Proof," I landed on "DOSE." A nod to both sides of the business—coffee and cocktails, a DOSE of whatever you need. 
The use of black and white visually reinforces the idea of coffee by day and cocktails by night. While the bolder colors used create contrast for a contemporary business serving both coffee and cocktails. The chosen unique sans serif display font offers a bold, modern feel and serves to center the brand. 

Brand elements of DOSE include the logo, color palette, coffee cup design, storefront design, and menu design. 
DOSE, Branding Concept


DOSE, Branding Concept
