Thinking outside the box in order to gush with amazing ideas, feeling your own power and joy of creativity, feeling proud of yourself - this is what is so lacking in the daily routine. But why is it so difficult for us (or not at all!) to make new, bold decisions? Where to get fresh and interesting ideas? And why do some of them arise by themselves, while others have to work hard to come up with something original? Osho - the famous mystic, who by no means can be called banal - helps to put everything in its place.
In his book, he explains that we are used to following the majority in everything. We buy what is fashionable, choose what is considered right, and constantly listen to other people's opinions. This is common to all people: fearing to make a mistake, a person who is faced with a choice usually follows the majority. But to think like everyone else means to think in stereotypes that relax the brain and lead to degradation ... Life drive, a sense of inner freedom, recognition and respect - all this is received by a person who has escaped from the captivity of stereotypes. And with the help of Osho's advice, you will be able to reboot into non-standard thinking and break the patterns that have been developing in your mind for decades - away from everyday life, routine and boredom!

About the book
In this book, Osho calls for independent thinking. "Most people think that they are original, but they are not. Your thoughts are most often not yours, but someone else's, as if a program full of viruses was loaded into your brain. But you must be able to think with your own head, otherwise you will not be able to take place as a person" , - says the Indian mystic. Therefore, if you are tired of being "like everyone else" and want to develop originality of thinking, then try listening to Osho's advice.
In this book, he offers special meditations to help get rid of the programmed thinking that increasingly dominates our lives, decisions and actions. You will learn to recognize your thoughts and ideas among those imposed and laid down by society, and discard the latter. You will also understand how not to fall into such a "trap of someone else's thinking" in the future.

Why is the book worth buying?
After reading the book, you will find an original solution to even banal problems, and in difficult life situations, show originality and independence. You will learn not to be afraid of the new, not to refuse experiments, not to avoid risk, not to be afraid of unusual ideas. But it is precisely such people - having an original, creative mind, alien to platitudes, patterns and clichés - who become successful and gain personal happiness. Would Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Salvador Dali and other great people be able to realize themselves if they thought in a standard way? Of course not!

Who is this book for?
This book will be useful (even not so - necessary!) to everyone. If your work and occupation is not related to creativity or invention, you will still find something in it that will help you live a more joyful, easier and happier life. After all, non-standard thinking is an important quality that brings drive to everything you do, gives you a boost of energy, makes your life bright and full. Well, for designers, writers, musicians and people of other creative professions - a must read!

Why did you decide to publish
It’s hard to blame anyone, but Osho is unoriginal and standard. Therefore, the editors of the publishing house "Ves" are sure that this author, both by his own example and by his unhackneyed techniques, will be able to inspire you to stop thinking stereotyped and bring courage and freedom into your life. Stereotypes drive people into frames, limit their ability to think, analyze and draw conclusions on their own - and this book has everything to get rid of them and start living your life.
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