Our life is like a swing: either peace of mind, or anxiety, and so on endlessly. Sometimes it seems that we ourselves cannot stop this swing. How to find and maintain a point of balance so that nothing irritates or frightens, and the present moment brings inspiration and joy? And is it possible to find long-term peace of mind?
The book features lectures from Osho's talks in Mumbai, in which he talks about inner peace. The great mystic says that peace comes by itself, if a person lives in harmony with himself, follows his destiny, does not lie, is kind to others. Calmness is born from striving for the right. Osho shares meditations and tips for calmness - and he does it with wisdom, subtle understanding of the essence of the problem and unsurpassed humor.
Who knows the truth, he completely calms down, finally finding serenity. Find the truth, and peace will follow like a shadow. It is a shadow of truth. (OSHO)

What is this book about
Osho says that if you worry over trifles every now and then, it means that your life is moving in the wrong direction, you are doing something wrong. In this book, Osho helps to understand what is going wrong and offers exercises such as stopping the mind, self-knowledge techniques, etc. They will give you answers to the questions "who am I?", "what is my path?", "what should I be ?" and, as a result, - will give peace of mind. And together with peace, simple happiness will come to live.
The main condition, says Osho, is that all exercises do not need to be performed mechanically. Immerse yourself in them as much as possible, as if life itself depended on it.

Why the book is worth reading
Osho's advice will help you find peace of mind in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and in stressful situations, and on difficult days. You will become easier to endure difficulties, small problems will no longer knock you off balance. And 15-minute meditations will give serenity, which even a lotus flower will envy:

Who is this book for?
For those, who:
? constantly worries about trifles and wants to take problems easier;
? would like to get rid of anxiety;
? practices meditation and spiritual techniques;
? who is often in confusion and cannot understand the cause of this state;
? who loves Osho books.

Why did you decide to publish
Nowadays, few people can boast of peace of mind. The high pace of life and the endless flow of information keep people in constant suspense. We suffer, we worry, we worry. The reasons are different - problems at work, domestic inconveniences, irritation with others and situations that infuriate. Moments of spiritual harmony - you must admit, this is a rarity. Therefore, we immediately jumped on Osho's book on calmness - this topic is more relevant than ever, and the presence of practices from an Indian guru makes the book even more valuable.

