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Nos lleva la chingada

Nos lleva la Chingada
Art installation against war

In the heart of this anti-war protest installation lies a profound plea for awareness. The Guatemalan-Mexican expression “Nos lleva la Chingada” meaning  "we are Screw," encapsulates the sentiment that transcends borders—a collective acknowledgment of our vulnerability in the face of global conflicts.
At its core, the installation features an emblematic 1895  bayonet, thrust halfway into a holster, standing sentinel atop a coin positioned on an 80 cm tall red plinth. This arrangement, seemingly simple yet laden with symbolism, unravels the intricate web woven between war, power dynamics, and the economic undercurrents steering the course of nations. The crimson plinth, a stark representation of blood and death, underscores the gravity of the narrative.
Hanging from above, a fishing string delicately suspends the bayonet, creating a tension system that echoes the delicate balance of global relations. This string, a metaphorical lifeline, bears two white soft pouches—one tethered to the bayonet's end and the other to the distant ceiling metal joist. These pouches embody us, the peaceful denizens of the world, entangled in the geopolitical intricacies that dictate our proximity to conflict. The installation subtly urges us to recognize the proximity of some to the bayonet end, closer to the turmoil, while others, seemingly distant, are next in line for the ominous drumbeat of war.
Tension pervades the scene as the pouches create a gentle pull on the fishing string, resembling the invisible forces shaping our global fate. Loose material adorning the hangman's knot takes flight, akin to wings or leaves, symbolizing the fragility of peace and the potential for its untimely demise. The dagger, suspended in its oscillation atop the coin, dances with a haunting elegance—a visual representation of the invisible hand of world politics shaping the conditions that breed conflict.
As a final touch, a noisy fan at the base of the plinth generates a tumultuous wind, symbolizing the cacophony of propaganda that engenders hate and terror. This sonic landscape serves as a poignant reminder of the external forces manipulating emotions and steering societies towards the precipice of war.
"Nos Llevó la Chingada" is more than an installation; it's a mirror reflecting the intricacies of our global reality, urging us to question, resist, and cultivate empathy in the face of an uncertain world.
Nos lleva la chingada


Nos lleva la chingada
