Squeezer in two parts with a colored rubber gasket. 
The upper part is unglazed so that it slowly absorbs the orange flavours.
Squeezer was showcased in Terracotta Everyday exhibition set up 
by FID Federazione Italiana del Design at Superstudio, during Milan Design Week 2014,
then in France vs Italie, at Carousel du Louvre during Paris Design Week 2014 
and at Vallauris in 2015.
The whole prototype was turned, sculpted and cooked by Maria Luisa Tribolo.
The bowl is turned while the upper part is turned and later carved. 
The upper part features a groove holding a rubber string which runs around the bowl’s edge
 and is knotted under the squeezer’s handle, thus acting as gasket and hinge. 
The bowl is internally glazed.
Project designed for FID, 2013-2014.

Photos 2 and 3 by Jacopo Ferrari
All other photos by Alessio Monzani

Special thanks to FID Federazione Italiana del Design, Superstudio, Maria Luisa Tribolo 
and Guglielmo Marthyn.


Terracotta orange squeezer.


Creative Fields