Milkweed Delights

Milkweed Delights is a cookbook that highlights the importance of milkweed through recipes and steps for planting the milkweed seeds responsibly. Our goal is to create an ongoing symbiotic relationship between humans and milkweed by promoting milkweed as a food source.
The Writing
This book was written and researched by Aleila, Ku, Suen Fa, and Do.
Suen Fa and Do edited the book's content to its final form.
The Design
Sharon Ku designed the logo and branding.
Sharon Ku created the digital illustrations.
Mariam Aleila designed the book cover and layout.
The Book Making
Milkweed Delights is a bound book. It has a dyed, sewn fabric cover with embroidery. The book also includes a milkweed seed paper for planting milkweed with the instructions in the book.
Mariam Aleila prepared the milkweed seed paper.
Sharon Ku bound the book with the Coptic stitch binding technique.
Leanne Suen Fa created the fabric cover. She dyed the fabric and embroidery thread, embroidered the cover, printed a milkweed design on the cover, and sewed the cover to the book.
Lam Ky Anh Do (DLKA) was responsible for the documentation process. She also held interviews and made preparations for the production of the book.
Milkweed Delights

Milkweed Delights

Milkweed Delights is a cookbook that shows the importance of milkweed, milkweed recipes, and steps for planting the milkweed seeds responsibly. O Read More
