Sueño causado por el vuelo de una abeja alrededor de una granada un segundo antes del despertar, 1944
Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate one second before awakening, 1944.
This is one of Salvador Dalí's most famous paintings, and even if it were not, it would be easily recognizable as a work of this great author.
When I saw this painting, it occurred to me that I could emulate a woman sunbathing on the rocks, if we could get rid of it.
on the rocks, if we could eliminate the tigers, the shotgun, and in short, all threats, all the threats.
Also, this is not a coincidence, because I would like to do it for the Hawaiian Tropic brand of tanning products.
brand of suntan lotion Hawaiian Tropic, which has a logo in the shape of a sun, which I think would fit perfectly
I think it will fit perfectly within the modified artwork.
There is room for it. So I set to it.

1. Elimination of threats in the artistic work
2. Recreation of the environment + sky enlargement to extend the painting to A3 Size.
3. Final color adjustments in Lightroom, to give color and simulate the tan in Gala.
4. Finally, I add a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic tanning lotion, along with its logo and slogan.

The resources used to realize the work were incorporated through tone/saturation adjustment layers, levels, exposure, etc.

Then, we managed to create an advertising poster with direct references to the work of an artist, through the exhaustive analysis of the work, the critical attitude and the final execution.

h t t p s : / / u n a a b e j a v o l a n d o . w o r d p r e s s . c o m / a n a l i s i s - d e - l a - o b r a /

Manuel Iglesias Varela.

Dalí Hawaiian Tropic


Dalí Hawaiian Tropic

Advertising poster for Hawaiian Tropic using the analysis and the same work of Dalí to conceptualize the advertisement.
