lily ford's profile

Jail house r SI6

Idea: my idea was to use images to convey what the song is expressing which is basically Jail house rock, exactly what is sounds like

Materials: I used jailhouse rock words at the bottom and Elvis's name at the top. I faded his face in the background and placed jail cells on top of it. 

Process: I made the piece dark as a whole because the idea was to create a poster of Elvis and his really famous song. I made it black and white to illustrate that it is older times and I faded Elvis in the back to emphasize it is Elvis. I made this more like a concert poster and placed a jail over everything to represent the song "jail house rock".

Grade: I give myself a 4 because the 2D dimensions are there and show well. I like the idea of the piece being a concert poster and also representing the song clearly. I think the amount of images used to create this is  simple but does the job to express what Elvis is singing in his song.
Jail house r SI6

Jail house r SI6


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