Re-brand of the Swiss euthanasia clinic
MPA Roses Brief: Dignitas, the Swiss euthanasia clinic, has decided to open a Manchester branch. Create the
launch campaign.

Considering the branding of Dignitas was originally so poor, I decided to firstly re-brand the company.
The idea of the logo comes from the spirit of the phoenix. A phoenix chooses when and where it dies- it builds itself a nest in which it ignites and dies. This idea is fitting for a euthanasia clinic and the phoenix is represented with a long exposure photograph of a sparkler.
In terms of a campaign, I created the advertisements for a launch event. A delayed series of ad shell posters would be released leading up to the event. The first poster would contain a magnified view of the logo, with limited information.
The second poster in the series contains more of the logo, with a date to reveal more about the event.
The final poster in the series shows the entire logo, name of the event, date and website for people to find out more if they wish to.
An invite will be sent out to relevant people (GPs, Hospital Staff, Journalists) to invite them to the event. The invite plays on the word 'discover' as pulling the invite from the sleeve reveals the entire logo.


Re-brand and campaign for Dignitas, the Swiss euthanasia clinic.
