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What Types of Body Braces Are Available?

What Types of Body Braces Are Available?
Body braces are worn to support a patient's body and improve mobility. They are made of anatomically-knit fabric and visco-elastic inserts that provide stability and therapeutic massage. This massage promotes blood circulation and the healing process. While they can't treat every medical problem, they can help restore mobility and enhance athletic performance.
Custom-molded braces
Custom-molded body braces are designed to support a particular body part. They can be ordered after a physician or orthotist has examined the affected area. These braces can help prevent injuries or correct muscle, nerve, or joint conditions. They can also be used for preventative measures after surgery. Custom body braces are available from Waterfront Physio and Rehab. After a physician takes a mould of the patient's foot and ankle, the orthotist will create the brace to match your specific needs. Typically, braces will arrive within 2 weeks.
Ankle braces are commonly used to treat ankle sprains and fractures. Because ankle sprains typically occur at the lateral malleolus, the brace must stabilize the ankle against eversion while still allowing for dorsiflexion and planoflexion. At the same time, the brace must be compact enough to fit within a conventional shoe. To address these challenges, the invention uses polymer chemistry to mold a brace to a patient's ankle.
Elastic cotton/nylon
Elastic cotton/nylon body braces are a versatile garment that is made from a soft, elastic cotton or nylon material. They are designed to support the back and help people to correct their posture. They are often used to treat low back pain. They look like a corset or girdle.
The brace has an elastic waistband with simulated hinged stitching and a soft lining. It's especially suitable for people with weak abdominal muscles, post-pregnancy or surgery. It has a breathable, cool fabric and a removable palmar stay for a custom fit. The brace also contains L-shaped viscoelastic inserts for comfort and support.
Foam rubber
Foam rubber body braces can be useful for a variety of purposes. Their open cell construction makes them comfortable to wear and are highly effective for supporting the body. The material is breathable and resistant to dirt. It also offers waterproof and easy-to-clean features. It is also highly effective at reducing pressure on the body.
These braces are designed to help patients improve their range of motion. They can be custom-made or prefabricated. The most common features of these braces include a hyperextension stop, straps, and fitted shells. These braces also help to control rotation.
Schroth therapy
Compared to traditional bracing methods, Schroth therapy involves correcting a patient's posture through exercises. These exercises help release tension in the muscles and help the patient regain proper posture. Props used in therapy include wall bars, poles, belts, straps, dowels, balls, and yoga blocks.
The Schroth Method consists of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles in the back and torso, which help keep the spine in a neutral position. The exercises can be performed in various positions, including lying, sitting, and standing. They may also involve breathing exercises. Patients can expect to exercise for 60 to 90 minutes a day for three to five days.
One of the advantages of Schroth therapy is that it is a non-surgical procedure that can be performed at home. It does require a daily commitment from the patient and their family, but it is much less disruptive to the patient's formative years than traditional braces. The benefits of Schroth therapy for body braces are obvious: they can improve alignment, reduce pain, and improve progression. Moreover, patients can live normal lives while undergoing treatment.
What Types of Body Braces Are Available?

What Types of Body Braces Are Available?
