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Some Surprising ways: How Clothes Can Change Your Mood

Some Surprising ways: How Clothes Can Change Your Mood
According to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, the "power tie" exists. Five studies that tested participants' cognitive processing skills were given to them while they were dressed in formal business clothes. Those who dressed up felt more powerful and in control of the situation than their under-dressed peers.

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Your Clothing Can Influence Your thought and Make You Better Thinker

The study also found that the peers who were dressed in business formals could think faster and generated more creative ideas. The scientists said that how you get dressed can change your perception of the things, people, and events around you—sparking new innovative ideas and a better point of view.

Your clothing can make you wiser

According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology "Dressing that is associated with intelligence, like doctor's coats or pilot's uniforms, may not only help you look smarter but may also make you act smarter,"

Researchers gave doctors’ lab coats to peers(none of whom were doctors) and gave a complex task to some people to perform " those who were in white coats performed the task with just fewer mistakes than people who were in casual clothes. 

The experiment was repeated again, but this time, all of the participants got lab coats. However, half of the participants were told that they were paint smocks while the other half were told that they were doctor's coats. Again, those wearing the "doctor's coats" did better on the tests which shows that it’s not just what you dress but also what you think of what you wear that matters.  

Clothing Can Push You To Focus Better

Focusing on the task is what we struggle with a lot in any job or study. According to the same lab coat study, those wearing the "smarter" doctor's lab coats are able to focus longer and harder than those who thought they were wearing a painter's apron. According to the authors, this happens because we are aware that doctors "tend to be careful, rigorous, and good at paying attention," and when we dress like a doctor, we adopt some of these qualities,  as if we are trying to live up to the standards of the profession.

So, this is how dressing influences our moods good and bad. You can influence your mood and make it brighter by wearing quality mens t shirts and women from Ciyapa.

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Some Surprising ways: How Clothes Can Change Your Mood


Some Surprising ways: How Clothes Can Change Your Mood


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