Bai Liu's profile

(5/2023) "War Dream Lab" Website

"War Dream Lab" Website
Designer: Bai LiU
Time: MAY 2023
start page-"The wandering human war"
This is an experimental website design. As a webpage focused on collecting dreams about human war, the focus of this website is on how to seal and record the memory fragments of war that are hidden in human dreams.

An infinitely long grey monument is inscribed with the names of dream recorders, which lying in the center of the website. As a subconscious, dreams never lie. Perhaps these dreams are the reflection of the most primitive fear of war.
monument-Zoom out when previewing
monument-Zoom IN when previewing
Zoom sliding page
Pop-up Dream Record Page I
Pop-up Dream Record Page II
Bai Liu (BA University of Southampton, UK)

(5/2023) "War Dream Lab" Website


Project Made For

(5/2023) "War Dream Lab" Website
