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Non essere l’ultimo di una lunga serie di idioti

"Non essere l'ultimo di una serie di idioti" - Don't be the last in a series of idiots, was the topic of our group project for a campaign to don‘t use your phone while driving.
This is a campaign created as a project part of the laboratory for communication design in corporation with the Policia Locale di Milano. Using electronic devices while driving is the most dangerous thing.
In a small group we developed a concept on the theme, Don't use your cell phone while driving. This topic has a high presence in our society and only a few people realize how dangerous it is. Using electronic devices while driving is the most dangerous thing
you can do. while driving. The risk of causing an accident increases fourfold and is as dangerous as driving with 0.8 to 1.0 ‰ alcohol. In most cases, several people are involved in an accident, which is why we started the campaign, to create awareness about the risks. As a result, accidents or ways of communication were shown that are idiotic. This way, people should have the topic constantly in the back of their minds. We‘ve made a film about that topic, a concept for an App and some ideas for the realization of it.

After extensive research, we decided to create a funny and at the same time provocative campaign. By showing failed and stupid ways of communication, we wanted to increase the understanding of the topic.

This is how the campaign Non essere l'ultimo di una serie di idioti was made.
A combination of posters in the city and the film, which is shown on social media platforms and in public places, draws attention to the issue.
Gamification of learning is a pedagogical approach that aims to motivate students through the use of video game design and game elements in learning environments. The goal is to maximize fun and engagement by piquing learners' interest and inspiring them to continue learning.
For this reason, we have designed a playful app that already familiarizes students with the topic.
Thanks for watching!
Non essere l’ultimo di una lunga serie di idioti

Non essere l’ultimo di una lunga serie di idioti
