The Calling 
of the 
So her mum and brother had been missing for a while now. Her dad told her she wasn't allowed to go searching for them on her own. But as it usually goes in any good horror story, she made here way to the forest where her mum and brother were seen last. Little did she know, that this forest was anything but normal. 
There had been old stories of the people of the forest and that they are not really human even though they were a long time ago. Did mum and her little brother get abducted by them? If she only knew at this moment, that they were already beyond saving. And she was in great danger. 
Equipped only with her phone she walked along while the dusk was falling into the forest. 
Then she felt a cold wind coming and the sense of being watched. She was so scared to turn around... 
Can you see the skull in the trees? 
Have you heard of the Helm of Awe (it didn't help her though)?
Since we were there in the forest I used my phone for a quick and dirty photogrammetry using Metashape and Blender. Not very good scans, but it was just for fun anyways. 
The Calling HW'22

The Calling HW'22
