The home food if the mobile Stylematic application looked too busy and didn't show enough of the product because of the overlay. I advised to improve product placement and with a teammate did a competitive analysis of the best mobile applications. We liked the idea of parallax scrolling and implemented the next Home page which is live in the application (free on iTunes).
The Home feed now shows more of the product and displays more at a time. We also implemented motion so the user can play with scrolling. We are also in the process of improving the parallax effect so when users select a product, the scrolling will stop. When the user brushing their hand in a scrolling motion, the parallax would start up again.
I created a paper prototype of the mobile application to see how users interacted with the screen flows and asked what they wanted to see on the Feed and Community screens. I conducted usability tests to see if the user knew how to vote on an object or add their own content and optimized the application so the call to action is more user friendly and intuitive. See my feature fix plan here: 


• Redesigned mobile homepage and feed to bring in more users and increase product visibility • Conduct customer interviews, task analysis, and us Read More
