Sean Brown's profile

Swinburne Wayfinding

Swinburne Wayfinding
Cyberpunk signage for TAFE students

This project tasked me with creating a signage solution that guided students from the train station to the TAFE Faculty of Design, Business and ICT at Swinburne University.

A common theme amongst TAFE students is their feelings of exclusion and marginalisation between themselves and the main University campus. In additional to achieving functional requirements, I wanted these signs to allow TAFE students to take pride in their side of Swinburne - the grittier, edgier, “dark side” of Swinburne.

Eschewing conventional hyper-functional signage designs, I took risks and thought different, pouring effort into a solution inspired by cyberpunk, Hong Kong films and street art. Learning 3D modelling software along the way, I rendered and presented scale drawings and in-situ versions of the solution.

The resulting feedback was a love it or hate it response. Some found the dark mode environment it created incredible, others found the solution a tad kitsch. But nonetheless I’m proud that I pushed this idea as hard as I could and learnt a bunch along the way.
Swinburne Wayfinding


Swinburne Wayfinding
