'MATERIALITY' studying project. 
The aim of the project was to try working with any new materials which you had never dealed with before. The secondary aim was to create something practical what can be used in our studio. 
I have chosen silicone and plastic as the key materials for research and experiments. The object I was going to make has to be rather small due to the high price of all the materials. That is why the initial purpose of my project was to make basicly a plastic glass for pencils storage. The glass shape itself is not easy to make a replica in home conditions, without professional equipment, however, I have decided to develop a 'glass' figure into 'a donkey' to get much more complicated geometrical shape with lots of different small details and acute angels. To realise this project I needed to work out how to perform a reusable compound silicone mould which can be used for getting of several identical plastic 'donkey' replicas.  
As a result of the first trial of making I could get a donkey, however, the surfaces were not smooth and the silicone mould was damaged and not applicable for getting a second replica. 
board 1 - first trial
The second trial was more sucessful: the structure of the silicone mould was worked out correctly and it was not damaged during the extraction of the plastic donkey, so it can be reused for getting more donkey's replicas. And the donkey itself was more perfect with more or less smooth surfaces and strict angels. It was achieved by taking a silicone mould from the donkey's prototype made from sculptural plasticine. And if during the first trial it (plasticine prototype) was made manualy, then, during the second trial, the hot plasticine was filled into a previously prepared foam bord mould which had a shape of future donkey. 
board 2 - second trial
board 3 - results
October, 2012


'Materiality' studying project - performing a product based on research and experiment of working with new for you materials: sculptural plastici Read More
