Seven Seas: Rules
Green Tiles =  + 1 Gold Coin
Red Tiles = -1 Gold Coin
Yellow Tiles = Action Card
Red Tiles with Skull and Cross Bones = Trap Space
Action Cards: Draw one card from the action card pile if you land on a yellow space you can make and descision 
to either follow through with the action, or ignore it. 
The main goal of the game is to collect as many Diamonds as possible, once every diamond is collected, there is a white tile shaped like a diamond, it is accessable when all gems are collected and you then have to race to the boat in the middle and sail away.
There are coins used to spend at the shop for weapons, if it is your turn and you have a weapon, you can send a player on the same tile as you depending on your weapon the number of spaces differ when you strike. 
Trap spaces: The net/cage space is a trap space designed to keep players trapped for 2 turns or just 1 turn if you have a weapon. To set this trap up, align the trap with the red X and let the net sit at the top.
The other trap space is a chase sequence, a black widow will appear behind the tile you are on and you must roll a number, if the spider rolls the same number as you or higher, you have to move back the amount you rolled. The Spider is a non-player-character and only rolls once, someone has to roll for it and if it rolls lower you stay there.
Characters: You can pick any character you want , there are 5.
If you have a weapon and another player is on your space you can strike them if you roll a number higher than them, like a chance basically. If you roll higher, you send a player back a specific amount of spaces depending on your weapon. if you do not roll higher, nothing happens.
Seven Seas: Rules

Seven Seas: Rules


Creative Fields