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How To Identify Expert-Level Full Stack PHP Developers For Your Team?

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the world today.Hire dedicated PHP developer to build dynamic and interactive websites for your business. Full stack developers have never been more in demand than now since they can craft innovative applications with significant functionality.This server-side language can also be embedded into HTML, which helps in making web pages without external files or data.
Outsource PHP web development to give your business the added boost when it comes to web development. With PHP, a company can develop e-Commerce websites, content management systems, and hybrid apps, among others. Hire PHP developer with complete knowledge of full stack since they can take care of both the frontend and backend of the development process. Such a developer can take complete project ownership and execute a task from planning to deployment. However, a business needs to consider several factors when hiring an expert-level full stack developer, which we’ll discuss in this article.

5 factors to keep in mind when hiring full-stack PHP developers:
This general-purpose scripting language helps in developing fully functional websites. A business can vastly benefit by working with full stack PHP developers. Businesses can create online stores or procure complete full stack products by engaging with a trusted PHP web development company. But the foremost thing is to identify a developer who can meet the needs and requirements of a project. Hire dedicated PHP developer who possesses the required technical expertise along with soft skills. Let us look at some of the essential points you should keep in mind when hiring full stack PHP developers for your team.

1. Know Your Requirements
The very first step of recruiting a PHP expert is having a clear understanding of business requirements. The business needs to be fully aware of the needs of the company or its team. Hire dedicated PHP developer from a reliable company to fulfill any development of any kind of PHP product. For instance, a content management system or CMS would be feasible if a business wants to spread brand awareness and stay connected with its customers. If the company wants to sell its services and products to its audience, developing an e-Commerce website would be ideal.
Having a project scope helps find the right PHP programmer to acquire quality outcomes. Hire PHP developer who can provide a business with the end result they are looking for. Outsource PHP web development from AIMLEAP, where you can leverage experienced experts who can give in-depth PHP consultations, app development, migration services, etc. A business can evaluate the skills and expertise of the resources before choosing the expert they want to work with.
2. Qualification and Certification
Hire dedicated PHP developer possessing the right capabilities for planning and executing PHP software applications. To identify an expert full stack PHP programmer, assessing candidates with relevant backgrounds and qualifications is a great start. It is important to Hire PHP developer who has got the basics down, such as being able to implement HTML, knowledge of main PHP functions, and MVC design patterns. These developers should also be well-versed in CMS and PHP frameworks. A mid-level PHP expert would be able to analyze product requirements and work with various databases. They would also be able to add backend features to improve app performance.
An expert-level PHP developer would possess the skills of a beginner and mid-level developer, and more. Hire PHP coders who are experienced in executing complex projects and well-versed in multiple PHP frameworks. These developers possess advanced tech skills ranging from blockchain to machine learning, and they can add and improve source codes without any hassle. Relevant certifications also help in identifying the right talent. Agencies like Udemy, Coursera and even LinkedIn provide various certifications in full stack development and PHP. Outsource PHP web development from a company with top-level experts.
3. Test the Skills
Before hiring a full stack PHP developer, evaluating the developer’s skills is a wise choice. This step works in favor of the business as well as the developer as they can identify if the developer is fit for the particular role required by a business. This process saves time and money. Hire dedicated PHP developer who can perform required skills tests to understand their value for money. Various online coding tests are available for the assessment of the technical skills of the applicants.
Agencies like Codility and CoderFights let you customize the assessment tests as per your requirements. Evaluating their knowledge of the backend, ability to set up a server completely, and ability to implement various PHP frameworks are some of the key areas of a test. Assessing their knowledge of different servers, databases, and APIs are also integral before recruiting a full stack developer. The business can also ask the applicants to take one or some of these tests according to their requirements. Join hands with an excellent PHP web development company that can perform the required skills test and live up to your expectations.
4. Relevant Work Experience
Hiring a full stack PHP developer with relevant work experience is an added advantage for a business. These developers would possess a comprehensive knowledge of the various aspects of development. Their knowledge and expertise in PHP frameworks, databases, and services would be top-notch, helping them to create quality outcomes. Hire dedicated PHP developer with work experience of more than 10 years when outsourcing from a PHP web development company like AIMLEAP.
Conducting a proper interview and asking for details about their work experience can simplify the process of recruiting a full stack developer. The most simple way to go about it is by asking for details of their previous projects or evaluating their work portfolio. This can provide an overall understanding of what kind of projects the developer has done and if it’s relevant to your requirements. Hire PHP developer by assessing their practical work experience and understanding what skills they excel at. By evaluating these key criteria, a business would be able to pick out the right candidate for its business. Outsource PHP web development from AIMLEAP and hire PHP coder without having to worry about their expertise and knowledge.
5. Soft Skills
Hire dedicated PHP developer who not only excels at technical skills but also possesses the required set of soft skills. The ability to comprehend working instructions can help the developer to deliver the work as required. Communication fluency is a key skill a full stack PHP developer must possess. Outsource PHP web development from a company where you get 24×7 support from your experts adept at proper communication. The ability to manage time is another vital skill a developer must have. Hire PHP coder who can maintain a plan of action for all the development stages so that developing, troubleshooting, and debugging can be executed within the deadline.
When looking to hire a PHP developer, a business needs to look beyond the technical expertise of the candidates. Conducting proper interviews with the right questions can help identify the right people for your team. Apart from asking the developers technical questions, a business must also evaluate how they work within a team, their attitude towards problem-solving, and accepting criticism. Understanding their ability to handle pressure and finding creative solutions for past projects also provides in-depth insights regarding the developer. Hire dedicated PHP developer who is a good cultural fit for your team, people who can work well in teams and are disciplined. Work with an outstanding PHP web development company that can provide full stack experts with the right skill set.
Before wrapping this article, let’s evaluate some of the powerful PHP frameworks companies prefer when hiring a full stack developer.

5 most popular and best frameworks of PHP
1. SymphonySymfony:
Symphony is one of the most-used PHP frameworks. It is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework that helps in building web applications, microservices, APIs, and many more aspects. Full stack developers choose this framework when developing complex applications.
2. Laravel:
Laravel is a web application framework with elegant syntax. Developers choose this framework since it helps ease executing common tasks in many web projects. It helps in authentication, routing, sessions, and caching, simplifying the development process.
3. CakePHP:
CakePHP is an open-source web development framework that allows application development much simpler and faster. This framework requires less code, speeding up the overall development process.
4. Slim:
With the Slim framework, a PHP developer can write simple and powerful web applications and APIs. This micro framework fast tracks the development process and is integral in using REST API development.
5. CodeIgniter:
CodeIgniter is a robust PHP framework and functions as an efficient toolkit for developers. This framework helps in easy customization, error handling, and hassle-free migrative. Quick development can be achieved using this framework that provides better search engine optimization as well as security.

Hiring an expert-level PHP developer can elevate business performance. With this programming language, a business can get a wide range of products such as CMS, e-Commerce websites, hybrid applications, and many more. However, it is essential to evaluate specific criteria when hiring a full stack PHP programmer. Assessing the requirements of a business is one of the critical criteria. Understanding this would help what kind of PHP developer a company would require. Conducting a structured interview is an ideal process when recruiting such developers. These interviews can help in understanding the knowledge and skill sets. It can help a business evaluate if the developers possess beginner or expert skills. Soft skills and expertise in the backend and related technology are also necessary.
Outsourcing can save a company from the trouble of finding the right developers. Hire dedicated PHP developer with the required skill set and expertise for your business. Also before choosing an expert-level PHP developer, ask them if they possess knowledge of the above-mentioned core PHP frameworks. Thus, hire dedicated PHP developer from AIMLEAP and outsource PHP web development without worry.

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