These are some sewers I did as a joke on Airin. I kept telling him I was gonna kiss him in the sewers as a joke so I made this. The world geometry (Rocks, railings, walls, floor, ceiling, etc) was modelled in pro builder like the rest of my earlier stuff.
You enter by coming down that ladder
When you turn around you are greeted with this scene
Footage of various effects and audio
Go down the path and you end up here. Now this was meant to be where it ended, but I liked it so I kept going.
go through the door on your left.
More sewer piping can be found here. I had a friend make the laughing lizard art.
At the cross roads there are three paths to take. One just goes down and you fall forever; the other two go somewhere.
Head straight and you end up here. Very pretty place. I had to make terrain for this.
Footage of the various effects in this area.
There's another path on your right at the crossroads.
I modelled the bridge instead of getting a prefab in here and did some more prevalent vertex painting than usual here. Does this look familiar? Some people from the 90s might notice a resemblance to something from their childhood.
In all four corners there are pipes that exit the sewers. The art on these signs were made with an ai.
One of the exits. They all look similar to this.
Top down view




Creative Fields