Zackery Lam's profile

ZAPP Food Delivery Case Study

Project overview
The Product 

ZAPP is a food delivery app that showcases health conscious foods from nearby restaurants. ZAPP targets customers with allergies or healthy conscious diets. With an easy way to get food delivery, even the busiest of people can enjoy a meal. 
Project duration:
August 5, 2022 - September 4, 2022
The problem: 
Create an easier way for busy people with health conscious or allergies to order.
The goal: 
Design an app that provides foods from local restaurants that has labels based on food restrictions 
My role: 
Ux Designer designing an health conscious food delivery app.
Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.
Understanding the User
User Research
I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users though process and usability for my app design. The primary research group included users with busy schedules, people with food allergies,  and health conscious eaters.

The user group confirmed that food labels allow users with dietary needs to make easier decision. The research also showed that people with dietary needs have harder times finding local restaurants. Users with busy schedules are not given enough time to enjoy their meals, let alone do research  for the food they want. 
User research: pain points

Working adults  with busy schedules that don’t have time to make food. 

Users that have food allergies or health conscious diets. These users would have to contact the restaurant to find out if they can eat there. 

Text written menus can be confusing, overwhelming, and difficult to read
User journey map

Using Kevin’s user journey map, we found it easiest to have local restaurants show products with  food allergies labeled.
Starting the design
For the wireframes, a need of labels and pictures was expressed by users. With a home screen that showcases the food of the restaurants.  This will allow for quick and easy to read ordering.
Paper Wireframe
Digital Wireframes
At the initial design phase, making a design that was informative and organized without being overcrowded.
Low Fidelity Prototype
Using the home screen as the main screen there are a lot of flows that go in and out of the screen.
There were two usability studies that. The first round findings helped develop the wireframe designs to mockups. The second round was high- fidelity designs that helped further influence the mockup designs.
First Round

1. Users want order food quickly

2. Users want an easier profile set up

3. Pictures should have borders to better define 

Second Round

Users need more confirmation on checkout screen

Delivery and restaurant pickup need to be better refined
Affinity Map
Refining The Design
After usability study, the design became focused on photo icons and food options that the restaurant supplies
The design for after the usability study provides a scroll down screen. Users look up and down before left to right.
Updated the Checkout for delivery and takeout options
High Fidelity prototype
Accessibility considerations
Provided access to user who are visually impaired by adding text to images for screen readers.

Use of Icons to allow for an easier navigation

Use labels and images to show users that are allergic or are health conscious, the different options that are available.
Going Forward
Z App will allow users to easily find and order local foods despite being allergic or health conscious.
What I learned:
While designing ZAPP, I learned that the first model was only the groundwork of the app. With input from usability studies and peers, I was able to evolve the app to better the user experience. 
Next Steps
Conduct another usability study to validate pain points and showcase whether the past usability study is better adapted.
Conduct more user research to find out new areas of need. 
Thank You

Thank You for your time reviewing the ZAPP! If you’d like more details, contact me

ZAPP Food Delivery Case Study


ZAPP Food Delivery Case Study
