Chess Made Fun
Chess Made Fun is a small business focused on spreading the fun and knowledge of chess to all ages. With a concentration on organizing chess games for groups and chess-themed merchandise, the client wanted to have an established sense of brand and identity to better build community.
Chess Made Fun is such a clear-cut statement that needed to be present in the logo rather than designing a symbol that would communicate that aspect. Early on there were explorations that would incorporate the letters in some manner, but nothing really worked or looked too generic. The letters combined needed to be more playful in their arrangement and more impactful. We looked at some ideas of incorporating D&D or adventure-like logos for kids' board game products.
We decided to introduce the idea of a shield shape that would represent chess strategies of attack and defense. The shape helps to combine the letters “CMF” in a structured and playful manner. The letters are arranged synergistically and are adorned with Chess pieces. The fonts were chosen to contrast with the logo, and enhance the sense of fun and adventure. The warm fun orange and gold colors bring a sense of energy to the brand in contrast with the logical and strategic blue-green.
Logo and Usage Guide
The Logo and Usage Guide details info about the proper color information, best case, and ways to best present the logo, credits, fonts, and a little bit about the brand itself. These are a few pages from the Logo and Usage Guide.  
Thank you for taking a look! You can find more of my work on Instagram.
Chess Made Fun


Chess Made Fun
