A scared Yama! Swine Flu (H1N1)
Airlines in financial trouble.
05 Oct 2014. Unpublished.
11 Oct 2014. Unpublished.
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a husband complaining about his unkept wife. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a wife complaining that her husband doesn't satisfy her sexually. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a wife complaining about her stingy husband who locks up and rations groceries. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a husband complaining about his orthodox and conservative saree-wearing wife, opposite to his partying ways. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a husband complaining about his wife's height, which is now shorter as compared to the promised before wedding. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Cartoon for an article on Police complaints recieved on marital discord. This is about a husband complaining about his wife's kicking habit while asleep. Sep 2015, Bangalore Mirror
Bangalore Mirror


Bangalore Mirror

Did cartoons on current affairs for a daily tabloid called Bangalore Mirror.


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