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DVB102 Week 4: Persuasive Poster

DVB102 | #oneperday22
Sketch Ideation 1, 2 & 3 :
Tools: iPad, procreate

Technique: sketching, colour drop, font usage
Process: All the sketch ideations of the posters focus on the current legislation that is being debated in America that requests Roe v Wade (USA) to be overturned (which protect abortion rights) meaning that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to abortion. Each image is a different reflection of the same topic in slightly varying perspectives, however I wanted to retain the important message that women have no control over their bodies, and that in our current society, a man's word holds more weight. 

Reflection: I liked the overal ideation of each concept and I feel that all of them resonates with the main message I am trying to convey in a very creative sense. I wanted to communicate to the audience a 'trend' that has been unfolding on all platforms of the media where a man's words seem to be more impactful, regardless if a woman has been saying the same thing. That being said, the topic of abortion is widely debated with some very strong opions, but I wanted to challenge myself with this topic to convey a strong opinion that has almost become a fact. Women do not have control over what they want to do with their own bodies without a man intervening.
Rendering - Final Poster with colour:
Black & White + One colour version:
Tools: Photoshop, Procreate

Technique: sketching, colour drop, fonts, clip masking
Process: I selected the 3rd ideation to render because I liked the simple message of it. I also noticed while rendering that the poster seemed bare, so I wanted to include a picture of a 1940s woman to accentuate how we as a society are going back in time/ regressing in terms of our moral values and beliefs. Because I already knew that red was going to be the strong/bold colour in my poster, I knew it was. going to be a simple method to make it black and white and make red my colour of choice. The bright teal blue in the letter 'W' is simply the result of inverting the red to create another strong, contrasting colour. As for the split in colour of the black and white font with the text in the poster, I wanted to create as much clash and contrast in the poster to convey the clashing of opinions on this debate. The overall layout of this poster has been very intentional and framing were all considered.

Reflection: I am really satisfied with how the final render turned out and the purposeful clashing of colours to project the clashing of opinions on this topic. I also included the topic of vasectomy in my poster because men have control over what they chose to do with their bodies and are able to debate what women can do with theirs, but the same cannot be said vice versa. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every process of this week's activity and I can only hope that people see this poster and understand the message I am trying to convey in this poster, even if they do not agree with me. I want people to look at the poster and just contemplate on the existence of this poster and how its meaning would affect their thoughts on the topic.
DVB102 Week 4: Persuasive Poster

DVB102 Week 4: Persuasive Poster
