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Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Ticket Ordering UI

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Ticket Ordering App

The Cursed Child mockup ticket purchasing mobile app, created to help users learn about the Broadway show The Cursed Child, purchase tickets, discover apparel, and everything the show has to offer. 

It includes the key following useful features that make it work well for the show.

The fully developed mockup lets you use Harry Potters wand to navigate the menus and learn about the show.

The app teaches you different parts of the show and what to expect as well as what kind of merchandise the show has to offer.

The app lets you purchase tickets and get ready to see the show.

This app was created with the idea that different Harry Potter fans may have diverse interests in seeing the show, such as food and apparel, the story, the production quality and more.

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child is a show that is available in theaters worldwide, and does not have a mobile application. The goal of this app is to answer the question of what if Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, had a mobile app for purchasing and learning about the spectacle? I was the sole designer of this app. Here are some thing I am proud of with this app.

The animation and smoothness of screens with the mockup work very well, providing a simple and intuitive experience.

The overall design and scheme makes it easily useable, by keeping everything on one main page.

The navigation, picking a spot in line, and purchasing of tickets


June's Goals & Frustrations

June is a huge Harry Potter fan who has tried purchasing tickets on websites for the show. She got confused where to purchase tickets. June needs an easy way to purchase tickets. Not just for her but tickets for her two children as well. Because she needs an easy and simple way to purchase tickets since she isn't good with technology. June's frustrations are she doesn't know what the show is about, she doesn't know how to purchase tickets, doesn't know how to purchase merchandise.

Strategy I Used For My Problem Statement
I attended A Harry Potter and The Cursed Child show, so I have personal experience as an end user. I conducted research using the real website for Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, along with looking at mobile and ticket ordering applications. Users have limited time to spend looking into and purchasing tickets, an app can streamline this process. I discovered that individuals love having apps to help them easily purchase tickets and learn about events. Users need an application that can work easily and fluidly. The application should remind people of the product they are interested in, with text, style, colors, and more.

Problems the App Needed To Solve

Quickly and easily help the user look up dates and purchase tickets.

Let the users easily navigate to different sections of the app.

Provide users with an experience that is similar to Harry Potter in style and colors.
Vision Goals

I developed key user stories based off of the following prototyping sketches.
Make it informative. The application needs to provide key details about the show to provide the users with a clear view if they would like to purchase tickets or not.
Make it usable. Having all the menus accessible on one main screen in a fun and magical way helps sell the show in true Harry Potter style.

Make ticket purchasing quick and simple. Being able to purchase tickets and book a show is the goal of the app.

Goal Statement
Our Cursed Child Ticket Purchasing App will let users learn about Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. Which will affect how people learn and purchase tickets for the show by making it easier and faster to learn about the Broadway show and purchase tickets. We will measure effectiveness by how many tickets are purchased through the app.

Final Decisions
After this I knew that I wanted the following screens to be implemented, based off of key highlights of seeing the show myself.
Photo Op

I successfully achieved all of my goals for this project. I learned the following important things from this project.

Provide a unique and simple app design. This design has all the information available on a single page. This can help users know exactly where to click without any confusing sub menus.

Create a ticket purchasing app that looks like the brand. Having Harry’s wand as the pointer to different areas, and having the colors and scheme look similar to Harry Potter, the images, colors, fonts, and more helps consumers recognize the brand and style.
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Ticket Ordering UI

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Ticket Ordering UI
