Burgers & Grills

Brand Designer: Eric Chin
Brand Packagings, Menu, Website Designer: Xiaoxi Teo
Typography: Xiaoxi Teo
Brand Uniform Designer: Jimmy Lee
Social Media: Eric Chin, Jimmy Lee, Xiaoxi Teo
Storyboard: Jimmy Lee
Copywriter: Michelle Tan, Howard Lim
Photography: Randy Lim

Director: Erwan Mugit
Scriptwriter: Howard Lim
Songwriter: Erwan Mugit, Michelle Tan
Drone Operator: Erwan Mugit
Camera Operator: Erwan Mugit
Production Crew: Warni Wan, Laura Lim, Karwen Hon

Edit: Erwan Mugit, Warni Wan
Burgers & Grills

Burgers & Grills

Burgers & Grills was established in 2018, and wanted to create a time capsule, where the music and fashion were as loud as the colours that defin Read More
