Jack Gayler's profile

Motoring Manufacturer | Workshop Induction

Motoring Manufacturer | Workshop Induction

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As part of the Transition team, I took on the role of Lead Developer to produce this workshop induction for a high-profile motoring company.

The client had particular and specific requests for how the UI should look and feel; moving away from the company's traditional brand colours for a more 'safe' and 'friendly' green.

"A workshop health and safety course designed to test and reinforce the workers’ knowledge of the company’s safety rules and regulations. Additional posters were produced and placed around the workshop to provide a quick, visual reminder of the course content."

Credit for the work goes to Transition Associates.

Find more of my work via the Video Interact and Transition showcase pages.

Users were encouraged to complete the learning in their own time, on their own devices. The course was made responsive to give the user the best experience on their mobile devices, removing the need for them to access a desktop computer to complete the training.
Initial design sketches for the mobile view.

Infographic posters were produced to allow the user to save key rules either via a PDF or to print it themselves.
Initial design sketches for infographic posters.
Motoring Manufacturer | Workshop Induction


Motoring Manufacturer | Workshop Induction
