Victoria Stakh's profile

Food Photo Editing for Honey Levitation

  The photo was selected as part of my subject retouching training with K.Bolshakova.

  For this image, I took the following steps:

▸used photo montage to merge several frames, removing background lighting flaws and replacing the labels on the jars with a more suitable lighting option;

▸to achieve the desired background lighting, I additionally used the "Curves" tool to balance the background lighting and add local contrast to specific areas of the image;

▸added volume to the glass jars using the Dodge and Burn technique.

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#postproduction #retouch #food #foodphoto #edit #editing #commercial #productimage #productimageediting  #retouching #foodphotoretouch #foodphotoretouching #highendretouch ​​​​​​​
Food Photo Editing for Honey Levitation


Food Photo Editing for Honey Levitation
