In May 2022, after things were beginning to open up again, she was working as a waitress in a local hotel and I just knew I had to ask her to sit for me. Though keen, arranging it was not so simple. Over the summer first she contracted Omicron after her 20th birthday party on our arranged date, then after she recovered I caught the bug from my family too, then holidays intervened, which meant it took a further six weeks to finally achieve our shoot.

I always have great respect for waitresses and waiters, so often they are are just making extra money whilst studying and I feel strongly, this should be a compulsory job for anyone wishing to work as a Local Councillor or MP or any public-facing government department. You learn so much about people and how to treat others.

There is more to Ruth than her attractive looks though. Having just graduated in Documentary Journalism, she has now taken her first career step working with the BBC in the local area. I wish her well.

All images shot in my garage and are not for reuse ©Graham Riddell Photography