Matthew Moorehead's profile

Design Projects Full Sail University

Full Sail University Design Projects
Lucky Dog Rescue
The lucky dog rescue project required a draft of a magazine sized page to advertise "Lucky Dog Rescue Orlando". Required aspects include a custom headline, a fitting image, compelling body copy, and a well spaced url and logo. In order to create compelling copy and an interesting hook, I utilized storytelling that related to the image. On the left this image was specifically chosen for his proximity to the beach, a relatable location for Floridians. By creating a situation that is relatable to a dog owner, the reader is more compelled to donate.
The goal of this project was to show off combination of type, and images. The challenge was to use the same image in all 4 with different backgrounds and text, that fits a theme. I decided to theme it on different landmarks and scenery. From left to right the scenery includes jungle, oceans, mountains, and woods. These 4 images are distinct while all following the theme of places on earth.
Image Recolor
This project was intended to show off knowledge of programs. The original pattern was made in illustrator following an outline (left) with colors given to me for the design. The design on the right was created using the recolor tool on illustrator. This tool proved very useful in quickly converting the colors and changing the look of a project instantly.
Design Projects Full Sail University


Design Projects Full Sail University
