keisya karamoy's profile

BOOD Camp - UX Design

BOOD Camp is a Dutch educational service that aims to help teachers and students to connect easily. It was visioned by an Indonesian student in University of Groningen in which I was asked to have a contribution into this project. This UX design was made to visualise how will the application run and its attributes. 

This project was my first project on working with a User Experience design that opted to be presented in-front of investors in 2020. Sadly, because of Covid-19 this project had to be postponed.
Registration and E-mail confirmation:
Home Button:
Learning Button:
Searching and selecting courses and availability of the teacher based on the wishlist of the user with the help of filtration of each categories. 
"Plus Sign":
Bood Spin, Bood Shop, Bood Merch, Checkout and Wishlist. 
Bood Merch:
Saved Button:
Cancellation Process:
Cancellation Process is unavailable in 24-hours before the D-day. 
Booking Process:
A booking process based on the availability dates given by each tutors. 
Voucher and payments online.
A detail of the tutoring session, Member, Class Type, Topic, Place. 
Profile Button:
Launched App:
A "Welcome Back" application starter.
BOOD Camp Logo:
BOOD Camp - UX Design


BOOD Camp - UX Design
